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The Benefits of Kombucha


The Benefits of Kombucha

Iced tea, iced coffee, boba tea, and green smoothies—what’s next? Kombucha. Kombucha is an ancient Chinese drink that was known as the “immortal health elixir.” It has been used for fighting degenerative diseases and illnesses for over 2000 years but is only now beginning to grow in popularity.

Kombucha is a type of sweet tea made from a fermented yeast called SCOBY, or a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. SCOBY is sometimes referred to as “the mother and the mushroom” due to its reproductive rate and mushroom-like shape. It is delicious, refreshing, and loaded with benefits.

1. Antioxidant Powerhouse

Kombucha provides a wide variety healthy antioxidants that help our body fight disease and illness like flu, cold, and fever.

2. Liver detoxification

Consuming kombucha once a day may help detoxify your liver and improve the overall health of your skin. Liver detoxification improves liver function, decreases abdominal bloating and pain, and improves digestion and bladder function.

3. Pancreatic support

Kombucha may also help improve the functioning of your pancreas, which may help protect you from diseases and illnesses like pancreatic cancer, acidity, shooting pains, abdominal spasms, brain swelling, and numbness.

4. Immune system support

Because of its high antioxidant levels, kombucha is a great beverage for protecting and boosting your immune system, reducing your risk of cold and flu.

5. Joint support

Kombucha tea contains compounds like glucosamines that have been shown to improve the health of your joints. Glucosamines increase the hyaluronic acid in your body, which helps protect and strengthen your joints by lubricating them. Kombucha tea may also help relieve joint pain.

6. Curb soda cravings

Kombucha is sweet and carbonated, satisfying the craving for a soda or other unhealthy beverage without the added sugar or calories.

7. Probiotic support

Because of the process of fermentation required to produce kombucha, the drink is rich in probiotics that provide your body with healthy bacteria. These probiotics can help reduce weight and inflammation and help improve your digestive system.

8. Green tea benefits

Kombucha and green tea are composed of the same bioactive compounds and have the same chemical properties, making kombucha similar in benefits to green tea.

9. Weight loss

Similar to green tea, a daily cup of kombucha tea may help you lose some of that unwanted weight. It increases your metabolism and helps you in burning calories at a faster rate. It may be most effective for dealing with that stubborn belly fat.

If you would like to learn more about my 1:1 coaching programs, email me

Yours in health and wellness,


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Lifestyle Latitudes, LLC is a Florida Limited Liability Corp.

Punta Gorda, FL

Tel : 262-880-9929


I'm Jules.  I am a mom, wife, friend, sister, daughter, crusader for health, dog lover, and business person. I have learned to slow down, enjoy life, practice wellness, and strive to have clean counters in my kitchen.  I start every morning with a cup of clean coffee, have a solid morning routine, tend to be a type-A personality but strive for balance, work to be the best version of myself, and occasionally sneak a sweet treat! I have lived with and overcome multiple health challenges and want to empower you to feel better too by developing a lifestyle with healthy habits, increased awareness of self care, and mindfulness!  I have a B.S. in Food Science & Human Nutrition from the University of Florida. I am a NBC-HWC Board Certified Health Coach, only 4% of health coaches in the USA carry this credential.


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Julie Lang is only working in the capacity as a personal coach to improve performance and wellbeing. As a Personal Coach, we work together to unpack the universal principles of behavior change to increase productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.  It's all about developing a new lifestyle!

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

This website and its contents are based upon the opinions, education, and experience of Julie Lang, unless otherwise noted. The information presented on this website is not intended as medical advice and is only intended for your general information and is not a substitute for medical advice.  


Julie Lang is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician, nutritionist, or other licensed or registered professional. Julie Lang is not providing health care, nutrition therapy, or medical services and will not diagnose or treat any medical condition, disease or ailment.


Julie Lang encourages you/her clients to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with your doctor or other qualified health care professional.  Please consult your physician prior to starting any diet or fitness routine.

Some links provide are affiliate links and Julie may earn additional compensation from your purchase.  Julie Lang is a registered wellness advocate with dōTERRA.


If you have any allergies or health conditions that prevent your from eating any particular food, it is your responsibility to substitute or avoid that food or recipes/recommendations that may conflict with your own personal dietary requirements.   

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