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The Basics of Ayureda Medicine

The Basics of Ayurveda Medicine

What is Ayurveda medicine?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine that is central to the culture. The primary source of Ayurveda medicine is the Charaka Samhita, which is a text written on Ayurveda medicine in the Sanskrit language. The literal meaning of Ayurveda is “knowledge of life” and its scope encompasses exactly that. This path of knowledge is over 5,000 years old and it aims to bring a sense of peace, meaningful purpose, joy, contentment, and everlasting vibrant health to its practitioners.

Ayurveda medicine can be relevant to daily life. It teaches the idea that every single one of us is wired in a different way, and that no two human bodies are the same. What may work for someone may totally fail for another. Every individual also has a unique health system. Just because one medicine or method has worked on one person does not necessarily mean that it will help another.

Furthermore, everything is poison and everything is medicine in Ayurveda. It all depends on what suits your body and what does not. Everyone has their individual health pattern and no one approach can cure all.

The elements of Ayurveda medicine

There are five elements of Ayurveda medicine that are also considered the fundamental building blocks or pillars of nature. These five elements are water, fire, earth, air, and space (sometimes referred to as ether). These are the elements of Ayurveda medicine because each human being and each cell possesses these, although one or two may be more dominant over the others.

Qualities of Ayurveda medicine

There are 20 qualities identified by Ayurveda medicine. These qualities are also known as the “gunas” and are described as every experience that a human body goes through. These 20 qualities or gunas are:

· Oily, Dry

· Heavy, Light

· Slow, Sharp (also referred to as dull and penetrating, respectively)

· Soft, Hard

· Smooth, Rough

· Dense, Liquid

· Gross, Subtle

· Stable, Mobile

· Cloudy (also sticky), Clear

· Cold, Hot

The principles of Ayurveda medicine

Ayurveda medicine works on the principles of three doshas. These doshas are considered the energies that each individual is made up of, and they are responsible for performing various physiological functions in our body.

1. The Vata Dosha

This dosha is the energy within ourselves that is responsible for controlling all the motions in our body. This includes the beating of our heart, blinking, blood circulation, and breathing. If your vata dosha is in balance then you will have vitality and creativity in your life, but, if it is not balanced, then you will experience more anxiety and fear.

1. The Pitta Dosha

This energy is responsible for controlling your metabolism, including the percentage of nutrition in your body, your digestive system, your body’s temperature, and your body’s system of absorption. If your pitta dosha is balanced then everything is in sync and is working just fine. This will provide you with contentment and boost your intelligence. On the other hand, if your pitta dosha is not balanced, your health will deteriorate, you will experience anger almost all the time, and you may begin to develop ulcers.

2. The Kapha Dosha:

This Dosha controls your immune system, growth, body moisturization, and internal water supply. If it is out of balance, it will give rise to feelings of envy and insecurity, but if it is balanced, you will experience feelings of forgiveness and love.

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Yours in health and wellness,


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