a local grassroots effort to distribute fabric face masks in SE Wisconsin
** While I help coordinate this grassroots effort, I do not take any responsibility for the way masks are made or used. Please participate at your own discretion.

These are certainly unusual times. While it is easy to get caught up in the media, fear, and uncertainty, it is probably best to utilize your time at home in more productive ways.
“For it is in giving that we receive.” — Francis of Assisi
Keeping ourselves busy and productive is a great way to utilize time at home during social distancing. Projects can keep us feeling productive and help create a welcome distraction to calm our nerves.
I have loved ones entering a hospital everyday. I have friends working in emergency rooms and ambulances. I know people praying for their loved ones that they are distant from. I know sick and elderly people confined to a facility without visitors. I know these people. I listen to their concerns, their cries for help, their worry.
Each day I think - what can I do? - I can follow the guidelines to social distance - I wash my hands and sterilize
- I can limit the amount of toilet paper I buy - I pray
But..... their fear of depleted supplies is real. And that is something I can do. It is something many of us can do. It is one small way we can support & thank those who can't stay home. 💕💕
Today I am asking people to dust off their sewing machine, find those fabric remnants and get to work!
Area agencies need our help. I am starting a grassroots effort to collect fabric face masks for agencies that need them.
There are many ways these masks are being used during this time of crisis. I am by no means advocating that this is a replacement for the PPE that is recommended by the CDC. However, there are many ways agencies can be utilizing these at their own discretion. They are not a replacement - but an alternative. What we can do is make them and provide them.
I do not pretend to fully understand the PPE supply chain or how healthcare facilities work. But I ask myself.......
"If these masks are available for use by others, would it free up the supply of correct PPE for critical workers on the front line? " "If supplies run critically low, is a fabric option better than no option?"
Three area agencies in SE Wisconsin are currently accepting home made fabric masks. They request the mask be made out of material that can be machine washed and dried. Masks should be adult size - approximately 9 inches x 6-7 inches.
***UPDATE*** as of 3/24/2020 - Children's Hospital of Wisconsin is requesting fabric masks. Please see very specific instructions - Click here
Here are some tutorials:
I am happy to arrange "contact free" porch pick up or drop off in the Racine & Kenosha areas. Please email: jules@lifestylelatitudes.com
I will collect and drop off at the specified locations from the contacts I am working with at these agencies.
If you do not live in SE Wisconsin, I encourage you to contact your local health department, hospitals, assisted living facilities or EMS to find out how you can help in your area