Losing weight does not have to be stressful, painful, or outrageously difficult. Many people lose significant amounts of weight just by tweaking their diet and making small changes to their routine. You do not have to starve and you do not have to abandon your favorite foods. You do not even need to center your life on the treadmill or weight room. But, you do need discipline and willpower. Here are five simple ways to start losing weight and still enjoy the food you love.
1. Control your portions:
Embarking on a weight loss journey is not the time to punish yourself or eliminate all food you take pleasure in. Take baby steps and slowly reduce your portion size. For instance, if you are craving chocolate, instead of buying the biggest bar, purchase the smallest one instead. Those cravings are often satisfied by just a few bites. If you buy the bigger size, you may feel obligated to eat the whole thing, which you will later regret. Similarly, choose smaller food portions when you go out to eat. The key is to take less at the beginning, see if the smaller amount satisfies you, and then get more if you still feel hungry. Remember, it takes your body almost 20 minutes to register that it is full.
2. Drink a lot of water, green tea, and kombucha:
Water is the elixir of life. Increasing your water intake will not only curb your hunger but will improve your skin’s appearance and increase your energy. Drinking water will also help you burn more calories and will help detoxify your body. Daily consumption of green tea and kombucha will also help you burn more calories at a faster rate by improving your metabolic system. Drink tea twice a day after your meals.
3. Take glucomannan supplements:
Glucomannan is one of the few weight loss supplements that is actually healthy and has been proven to show actual results. It is very low in calories and high in fiber, making it a good appetite suppressant. This supplement may be helpful for people who struggle with binge eating. Glucomannan is water-soluble so it helps reduce water weight and bloating.
4. Eat foods that are high in fiber:
In general, foods that are high in fiber are usually low in calories. Fiber keeps your stomach full, curbs hunger pangs and helps limit your calorie intake to a minimum. Foods that contain a high amount of fiber are beans, lentils, rice (both brown and white), items listed as “whole grain” on their label, and nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts. Other good options are porridge, bran-based cereals, oats, and apples.
5. Eat foods with high water content:
Adding foods with high water content, like watermelon, zucchini, strawberries, cucumber, broccoli, yogurt, cantaloupe, and fish, will help your stomach feel full and stave off cravings. Many of these foods make great alternatives to your previously unhealthy foods. For example, if you are craving a thick milkshake, try one with yogurt, fruit, and ice, instead of one laden with calories and sugar. Zucchini or spaghetti squash also make great substitutes for pasta.
If you would like to learn more about my 1:1 coaching programs, send me an email jules@lifestylelatitudes.com
Yours in health and wellness,