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13 Healthy Ways To Relieve Stress

Breathe.......Stress can complicate our health and well-being.. Try some of these strategies to create a little balance in your life

In a time of uncertainty, one thing we can be certain of - is that we only have this moment. In these moments, the next thing we can do - take care of ourselves.

As a society we have digressed from nurturing our bodies. This unexpected time of pause is so unfamiliar - it is creating stress instead of providing a time of renewal and nourishment.

Since you rolled out of bed this morning and are probably still in the “loungewear” that you have been sporting for the past three days, I am going to share some ideas on how to embrace this time and nourish yourself.

Nourishing ourselves is not just about food, but how we feed our body, mind, and soul. This post will be part of a continual series to help you take advantage of this time to nourish.`


Get up - work out - shower - get dressed - eat some fruits or vegetables

After all, you don't want to be the subject of the next meme circulating the Internet.


Give yourself some purpose and discipline for the day. Set a goal for the day. Accomplishing just one thing will help create some sense of purpose and help perpetuate motivation.

Don’t let yourself get stuck in analysis paralysis. Allowing yourself to get STUCK can lead to sense of depression, binge eating, boredom, and un-productivity.

SO JUST DO SOMETHING. ONE THING. Because allowing yourself to get stuck in the chaos of this situation will not leave you poised to launch when it all passes. If you get stuck in this cycle ofchaos, it can lead to anxiety, tension, mood swings, and stress. Instead, create a springboard for your future success.

Stress effects the body. Finding ways to deal with stress in a healthy, productive way may help your body be less prone to disease and infection. “Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. For example, psychological stress is associated with greater risk for depression, heart disease and infectious diseases.” (1)

Now is not the time to turn your back on life. So, find joy, laugh, breath, talk, give yourself permission to cry. I encourage you to use this time to explore new ways or re-visit some old ways of managing stress and re-direct your energy.

13 sure fire ways to help relieve stress

  1. Get creative - don’t be afraid to explore new ways to get your creative juices flowing. Color with kids, sew, organize, decorate, make art, write, use your crafting supplies, garden, work a puzzle, cook, sing, play an instrument.

  2. Practice Deep Breathing or meditate. Take 5 minutes to sit quietly. Breathe in for 3, hold for 4, our for 5

  3. Move….exercise, take a walk, stream a work out video, dance, kickbox, jump rope, bike ride

  4. Create a schedule, make a list, write down your thoughts, create a plan

  5. Have a conversation. Find someone who will listen and support you. If you need to - let your feelings out - laugh, cry, yell in a safe space without judgement.

  6. Laugh! Tell jokes, be silly, watch a movie, play games.

  7. Turn off the TV and social media. Don’t allow the news to bombard you 24 hours per day.

  8. Use a gratitude journal. Write down three things a day you are grateful for. Sip a cup of hot tea.

  9. Take a bath or do a foot soak. Use some essential oils for additional calming properties.

  10. Go outside. Get fresh air. Spend time in nature.

  11. Clean, organize, purge.

  12. Embrace curiosity. This down time is a great time to explore things you have never have time for. Take an online class, read a book, research something together as a family, learn a new language, watch a Ted Talk, practice a new skill.

  13. Give yourself grace. It’s okay. Don’t strive to get it all right. We are in un-charted waters. The storm will pass. Be kind to yourself and others.

Take it easy. Breathe. Stay Curious. Be kind.

We are all in this together.


  1. Carnegie Mellon University. "How stress influences disease: Study reveals inflammation as the culprit." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 April 2012. <>

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